Breast plastic surgery prcedures

Breasts are a symbol of femininity, so many women can experience psychological problems and self-worth issues if they are not happy with their size or shape.
At our clinic we perform breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift and a combination of these as well.
Women who have undergone a breast lift can once again be proud of the most beautiful symbol of their femininity, and their self-confidence is boosted, which has an impact on all areas of their lives.
Are you considering breast plastic surgery but are hesitant? Listen to our podcast, in which we discuss a range of interesting and useful plastic surgery topics with Dr. Bernadett Lévay. 

Breast plastic surgery prcedures

Breast augmentation with implants

Breast augmentation is one of the most common breast plastic surgeries, using silicone breast implants to increase the size of the breasts or replace lost volume.

Breast augmentation using body fat

Breast augmentation is one of the most common breast plastic surgery procedures, which can be performed using the patient’s own body fat (lipofilling).

Breast reduction

Breast reduction involves removing part of the breast tissue and restoring the shape of the breast at the same time.

Breast lift

During a breast lift, the glandular tissue is left intact and excess skin is removed for a more youthful appearance.

Start making the change to enjoy your femininity again. Regain your confidence and rest assured that this change will have a positive impact on all areas of your life.